Abstract Eligibility
- Abstracts containing interesting research findings or case report /series in the fields of gastroenterology, endoscopy or gastrointestinal surgery may be submitted.
- Abstracts that have been submitted to or presented at other national or international meetings may be submitted. However, such presentation and / or submission and the results, if available, must include a written declaration at the beginning of the abstract submission.
- Abstracts that have been published as an article or have been accepted for publication in printed or electronic formats upon the 30th of September 2023 submission deadline cannot be accepted for consideration.
- Video Oral presentation: The 6 best video abstracts will be selected to give present the case live during APDW 2023, and receive a travel grant.
- Video presentation: Author will be the recipients of APDW video cup awards.
- The endoscopy video challenge will take place on the 7th of December 2023. Audio of the submitted video clip will be muted to allow a 3 to 4-minute of live on-site oral presentation of the video. An additional 3-minute Q&A session will be allotted after each presentation.